Therapy: Treatments for mRNA vaccine damage

On this page you will find a compilation of treatment methods and protocols that have proven to have a positive effect in removing contamination and damage from mRNA vaccines.

I remember it like it was yesterday. The first time I saw the blood of an mRNA-vaccinated person under the darkfield microscope, I thought, “I can’t imagine how to ever get rid of the junk I saw in this live blood analysis.” Not only did it look like the blood I had seen in terminally ill patients, but it also contained strange, never-before-seen objects. This impression led to the creation of SafeBlood because I realized it was an emergency situation.

Today, three years later, we have learned a lot about the possible treatments and list here the most efficient methods we know in different categories.


What are the most efficient methods?


Energetic medicine, frequency therapies

“The medicine of the future will be the medicine of frequencies”, said Albert Einstein, even before he could foresee a disaster like mRNA vaccines. I think he’s right, and that’s why I consider frequency therapies to be the most efficient way to repair DNA damage and detoxify mRNA vaccine residues.

BioPhotonic‘s Quantum BioResonance devices are a breakthrough in helping against all types of radiation, all types of diseases, detoxification support and even DNA repair.
Make sure you ckeck out this page:, with discount code for Safeblood members and newsletter subscribers.
The devices for therapeutic purposes are BioNexus, BioPhotonic and, to a certain extent, the Photonic Wave, which is a combination of protection and therapy.
Personally, I firmly believe that BioPhotonic devices should be a standard equipment for anyone serious about combating mRNA vaccination damage.

A natural approach, summarized in protocols by specialized scientists, naturopaths, medical doctors and organisations.

Many exceptional medical professionals of all kinds have researched the most effective methods of treating vaccine injury and have all come to the same conclusion: There is no single treatment that leads to recovery from mRNA vaccine damage. They all came up with combinations of the most important treatments, mostly naturopathic, but not only.

Click here for a list of different protocols,

which are often similar, sometimes completely contrary, but all very comprehensive. You will have to find out for yourself which one is best for you. And you will probably even want to combine them, perhaps also with frequency therapy.

Spiritual healing

Actually also belongs also under “energetic medicine”, but in this case it is independent of any electronic devices. Here you rely entirely on a therapist, a natural healer, who is a born healer and can simply bring your health back into balance with his or, if you wish, divine energy. Success depends mainly on the healer and the chemistry between you and him.

That is why there is no link to the method here, but to our Find a medical facility page, where you can search directly for therapists and healers who offer this method.
Unfortunately, very few healers have registered here yet. So if you know a good one, please let them know that they can be added to this list.

Do you know of another treatment method that we don’t know yet? Please send us an email.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material published or transmitted by Safe Blood Donation and its affiliates, directors, officers, managers, employees or other representatives are for informational purposes only. No material is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your trusted health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Safe Blood Donation publication or transmission.